Archives for October 2006

Photo Booth for OSX – endless entertainment

Creating Favicons for your website in OSX

There’s an excellent tutorial here:

A favicon is a 16 by 16 pixel image that appears immediately to the left on the URL in your browser’s address bar – it also will appear in your favourites / bookmarks list.

This blog now has one – a great tutorial. That said, because I don’t have Photoshop I just used GraphicConverter (link in tutorial) on its own with no problems – I created the 16 x 16 pixel size then saved direct to Windows Icon – it came out at 4K from an original 2 MB file.

For WordPress users, insert the required code link code in the header.php file of your WordPress template.

How do I see which are the biggest files on my Mac?

OmniDiskSweeper is a shareware app that will scan your hard drive in OSX and list all your files in order of their size. If you pay the $15 registration you get a delete button rather than having to remove files manually.

I wanna love you tender

Need I say anymore?

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