Archives for September 2013

1953 Sci-Fi At Its Best: The Rotifers

The RotifersWe all have stories from our childhood that scared the hell out of us – or at least entranced us with the power of the situation they described. Once such story for me was The Rotifers, which I read in the late 1970s or 1980s in a paperback sci-fi short story collection.

It enough of an impact for me to recall it recently, and after some serious googling (I couldn’t recall the story’s title), I found it on Project Gutenberg. Aside from the fact it was a joy to read again, I was interested to learn that it was more than 25 years old when I read it as a kid. Given some of the domestic descriptions I should have realised, but there you go. Written by Robert Abernathy, the story’s power is in its simplicity and the story premise that still has a lot of power today: that the microscopic can harm us if it wants to.

Anyway – have a read of a 1953 short story that’s likely to give you at least a small case of the creeps.

How to turn off your Mac’s spelling auto-correct

If you’re like me and driven to distraction by OSX Mountain Lion’s determination to change the words you type, it’s actually very easy to turn it off:

1. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences

2. Click on ‘Language and Text’

3. Uncheck the box ‘Correct spelling automatically’:

Language___Text4. That’s it!


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