Archives for May 2009

Merged realities – events and issues for virtual worlds

insead_2009 1. The official Linden Lab blog is showcasing elite graduate business school INSEAD’s presence in Second Life. When I jumped in for a look there were INSEAD reception staff on duty and not a bot in sight.

2. Via James Dellow, a new study is out on children and virtual worlds. The full presentation / report is here and is an extremely useful look at the area from a solid empirical basis.

3. Not a lot of use to Australian readers, but 3D chat world, Club Cooee has gone into open beta for US-based customers. One of the more amusing claims: With low system requirements and a small 3 MB client, Club Cooee runs on almost every desktop computer or notebook. The application works with Windows Vista and Windows XP operating systems.

Given the growth in use of Macs in the past 2-3 years, let alone Linux and other open source options, companies are going to start getting visible push-back from their customer base with ridiculous claims of Windows Vista and XP equating to ‘almost every desktop computer or notebook’. Add the iPhone into the equation and the claim looks even more farcical.

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