Archives for February 2017

We Hate People Episode 18: Holiday in Trumpistan

Can you believe it’s been 5 months since we last had an episode? We can believe it, as we’re lazy buggers, but we’re finally back with an episode dedicated to the new POTUS.

The Show Notes

– We talk Trump – lots of Trump – with some non-confected disagreement even!
– Brief recommendations

Don’t forget we’d love your feedback via the website, Twitter or Facebook.

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If you like this podcast you may also enjoy our gaming podcast: Flash Point

Gonorrhoea vs Diarrhoea

When her husband passed away, the wife put the usual death notice in the newspaper, but added that he had died of gonorrhoea.

Once the daily newspapers had been delivered, a good friend of the family phoned and complained bitterly

“You know very well that he died of diarrhoea, not gonorrhoea”.

Replied the widow “Yes, I know that he died of diarrhoea, but I thought it would be better for posterity to remember him as a great lover rather than the big sh#t that he really was”

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