Shut your computer down for a day

Lifehacker have mentioned that the 3rd of May is Shut Down Day.

Whether it’s for your mental health or the environment, this is a worthwhile event.

Joomla requests on the rise

In the past few weeks I’ve had a handful of enquiries via the site asking for us to consult on a Joomla installation. Unfortunately we’re snowed under for the coming three months and could only take on WordPress setups, which are quicker (and cheaper for you as well). This site runs on WordPress and I’d argue it’s superior to Joomla except in situations where large amounts of new data is handled daily by your site.

I’m also regularly asked to recommend a Joomla developer – I always point people to the Joomla Forums as a starting point – there’s one great community there.

I’ve lost my WordPress password – what do I do?

You use this excellent (and free) tool. You just need to have access to the server your WordPress installation is on and you’re laughing.

Who remembers Chipmunk Punk?

I sure do:

WordPress 2.3.3 – urgent security release

All the details here

Microsoft apes Apple (again)

According to TechCrunch, Microsoft have their iPhone competitor on the way. I don’t know about you, but it looks a damn ugly piece of gear to me. What a surprise!

Ten nifty Google search tricks

Lifehacker has a great article on obscure tricks you can do when searching Google.

I had no idea you could type ‘what time is it in Hong Kong’ and Google will tell you. Nice!

Need to convert Joomla to WordPress?

Today I needed to convert a Joomla site to the WordPress platform. After much research I found out a way:

1. Install WordPress. An important point here: you’ll need version 2.2.2 or earlier (you’ll see why below).

2. Download this excellent conversion script and follow the instructions closely. This script only works on WordPress versions 2.2.2 or earlier (see point 1).

3. That’s it! Obviously it won’t fix broken links etc but it does a beautiful job of getting all that text between the two platforms.

Ebay and entrepreneurs – alive and well

this Ebay listing proves that genius is alive and well online…..

How Google works

Ever wondered how Google works logistically and technically?Then check this fascinating, simply worded walk-through

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